Post Rules. All Posts need to be related to FFG Star Wars RPG. For D6/D20 Star Wars discussions see related subreddits header below.
Do not publish links to or request pirated material. If you mention plot points from a published adventure please use.
Always follow. No being rude. Instead, be nice to each other!Star Wars RPG DiscordWhat is?Whether you love Star Wars and have never tried a pen & paper roleplaying game, you are a crowned class B dungeon master, or if you are an old hand from the beta, welcome to a great place to talk about the FFG Star Wars Roleplaying Game!The basic setting of the RPG is after the destruction of the first Death Star. Nearly all Jedi are dead, the Empire is strong, and the Rebel Alliance has won a major victory. Now go have fun! New and Upcoming Releases NameGameTypeRelease DateAllSourcebookOut NowAllSourcebookOut NowAllSourcebookTBAMore Information about each game.Related Subreddits. Genesys RPG system, similar to SWRPG and also made by FFG.
For general discussion of this and other RPGs. Original West End Games edition. For the Wizards of the Coast d20 Star Wars systems.
Dedicated to the Star Wars Saga Edition roleplaying game created by Wizards of the Coast. The mothership. For everything beyond the movies!. For FFG's excellent X-wing: The Miniatures Game. For all kinds of tabletop gaming.
After running a regular game in the early days of FFG's system (Pre AoR) I have fallen behind on all the new species and classes that have been added from all the different core books and supplements.I have been looking for an up to date list of all of the classes and species FFG has released. Everything I have been finding so far has not been updated since last year.Are there any resources out that are regularly updated so that I can give my new players the info. That way I can go out and buy all of the relevant books for my players.